:: the divine neil hannon
agosto 29, 2010o concerto no MM foi simplesmente genial, entre o humor britânico de um puto vestido de Sir, e o virtuosismo de um músico disfarçado de entretainer!!..
ladies and gentelmans, back from the 90's: the divine comedy - a collection of songs for bass baritone and ensemble, inspired by the writings of the eighteenth century Venetian gambler, eroticist and spy; and performed for us there by the composer, Neil Hannon.
~ a frase, retirada da voz de hepburn ~
this book deals with epiphenomenalism, which has to do with consciousness as a mere accessory of physiological processes whose presence or absence, makes no difference whatever are you doing.happy the man, and happy he alone who in all honesty can call today his own; he who has life and strength enough to say: yesterday's dead & gone - i want to live today!